LiFi for Fixed Wireless Access
The last 50 m of cable linking buildings with high-speed cable or fibre connections are generally very expensive due to the required earthwork and the limited number of users sharing the connection. LiFi can ease these costs with high-speed links from the street lampposts to the building or even to several windows. In ELIoT, such links will be demonstrated showing the benefits of this approach.

Benefits for end users, building owners, Operators
Gigabit capable access services
Fast and easy installation, fast time to market
Lower cost compared to fixed access solutions
No view disturbing antennas at the house walls
Why Lifi?
Wireless access solution with high data rates >1-1.5G
Indoor Client Node with data transmission through closed window possible
Dedicated wireless access link capacity (no sharing)
Challenges and technical opportunities
Influence of weather conditions
Data transmission through window glass
Line of sight required
Link aggregation with RF, e.g. mmWave, 60 GHz